New breeding facilities being built!

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New breeding facilities being built!

July 13, 2024

New breeding facilities being built!

July 13, 2024

It has been a busy time here at TSI 2 – PCBA, with the construction of two new aviary units underway for the Maratua shama and for crestless firebacks.

The new Maratua Shama aviary unit is funded by ZGAP and features 40 new aviaries dedicated to these special birds, coming as a result of our very successful breeding programme. The most recent surveys on Maratua island have shown that this species is now functionally extinct in the wild with very few individuals remaining, if any at all.Like many other songbirds, they suffer from the rampant capture for the infamous Javanese songbird trade.

While the population at PCBA has recently grown to 60 individuals, the Maratua Shama is not kept at any other institution, therefore, additional capacities at PCBA are urgently needed.

This new aviary block also gives PCBA the opportunity to start housing the three focus shama species (Maratua, Kangean and Larwo Shama) separately out of sound of each other, meaning that the unique songs of each can be kept as it was found that the males would sometimes try to mimic and pick up parts of the song of other shama species that they can hear.

See through partition across the cages in the Maratua shama unit
See through partition across the cages in the Maratua shama unit
Concrete floor to maintain hygiene in the Maratua shama unit

As for the crestless firebacks, the new unit comes as their listing changed from Vulnerable to Critically Endangered, as their preferred peat swamp lowland forests are destroyed for logging and development. Firebacks have proven themselves as sensitive species which can pose difficulties when it comes to breeding, so a dedicated space for them in a climate-appropriate area will boost the conservation of these birds. The WPA has funded the aviary block and will be completed soon. 

The outer look of the crestless fireback unit